Professor Daniel Mugendi Njiru is a renowned scholar, researcher, and consultant with illustrious management expertise. His career in academia, research, education, and training sectors, spanning over more than three decades, has seen him make significant contributions in the area of agro-ecosystems research and management as well as the development of university education in Kenya.
He began his career as a researcher with the Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) in July 1986 and made tremendous professional and academic progress. In 1999, he moved to Kenyatta University (KU), where he rose through the ranks of academic and professional leadership. He served as the Chairman of the Department of Environmental Foundations, Dean of the School of Environmental Studies and Human Sciences, and Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Finance, Planning, and Development at Kenyatta University.
Currently, Prof. Mugendi is the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Embu. He also holds several significant positions: Chairman of the Board of Directors at Cytonn Investments Management Limited, Chairman of the Board of Management at Kirege Secondary School in Chuka, Tharaka Nithi County, and Lead Expert in Environmental Impact Assessment/Audit. His previous leadership roles include Chairman of the Board of Directors at KEFRI, Regional Secretary General and Chairman of the Soil Science Society of East Africa, and Chairman of the African Network (AfNet) of the Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Programme.
Prof. Mugendi has conducted groundbreaking research focusing on agriculture, forestry, and environmental policy and sustainability. He has collaborated extensively with communities, national and international partners in diverse research fields and higher education leadership. As a scholar of international repute, he has authored nine books and sixty-four chapters in books, in addition to publishing over eighty refereed articles and research papers in both national and international peer-reviewed journals. He has supervised and graduated thirty-six Master's students and fourteen Ph.D. students. Furthermore, he continues to lecture, supervise postgraduate students, and conduct research in forestry, agriculture, and natural resource management. Prof. Mugendi has also participated in and presented scientific papers at more than ninety conferences.