CPA Hezron Njoroge Ndung’u


 Deputy Director, Internal Audit


Hezron Image

CPA Hezron Njoroge Ndung’u, a highly qualified finance professional, holds a master’s degree in finance and Investment and a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a focus on accounting.

He is a Certified Public Accountant of Kenya (CPA(K) and a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA). Mr. Ndung’u possesses extensive experience in Operations/Internal Audit, gained through notable organizations such as the Chuka University, Kenya Methodist University (KeMU), Mastermind Tobacco (K) Ltd and Commission for University Education (CUE). With a comprehensive skill set that includes financial statements audit, internal audit software proficiency, and expertise in accounting packages like Microsoft Nav, SAP, and QuickBooks.

He is well-versed in using Internal Audit Software such as Audit Runner and Arbutus audit systems for Continuous Audit and Continuous Monitoring. Before joining the Commission for University Education, Mr. Ndung’u served as Senior Internal Auditor at Chuka University from September 2016 to October 2018.

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