Programmes Developed and Mounted by Universities in Kenya in Accordance with the Universities Act

The list of academic programmes developed and mounted by universities in Kenya in accordance with the Universities Act can be downloaded here or can be searched using the form below.

Search Criteria:





  1. Master of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies
  2. Master of Arts in Leadership
  3. Master of Arts in Missiology
  4. Master of Arts Pastoral Theology
  5. Master of Business Administration
  6. Master of Public Health
  7. Doctor of Ministry
  8. Master of Science in Applied Computer Science
  9. Master of Arts in Divinity
  10. Master of Chaplaincy
  11. Master of Science in Applied Computer Science
  12. Master of Science in Information Technology
  13. Doctor of Philosophy in Leadership


  1. Bachelor of Arts in Counselling Psychology
  2. Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies
  3. Bachelor of Business Administration
  4. Bachelor of Theology
  5. Master of Arts in Biblical Translation Studies
  6. Master of Arts in Christian Education
  7. Master of Arts in Church History
  8. Master of Arts in Mission Studies
  9. Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministries
  10. Master of Divinity
  11. Master of Theology
  12. Bachelor of Education (ECD Option)
  13. Bachelor of Education (Primary Option)
  14. Bachelor of Education Secondary option
  15. Bachelor of Science in Accountancy and Financial Management
  16. Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship
  17. Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
  18. Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology
  19. Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership
  20. Master of Business Administration
  21. Master of Education
  22. Postgraduate Diploma in Education
  23. Postgraduate Diploma in Theology
  24. Doctor of Ministry
  25. PhD in Education
  26. PhD in Inter-Religious Studies
  27. PhD in Theology Studies
  28. PhD in Translation Studies


  1. Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry
  2. Bachelor of Arts in Peace and Conflict Resolution
  3. Bachelor of Arts in Psychological Counseling
  4. Bachelor of Business and Information Technology
  5. Bachelor of Commerce
  6. Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resource Management
  7. Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education
  8. Bachelor of Education in Primary Education
  9. Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
  10. Bachelor of Laws
  11. Bachelor of Mass Communication
  12. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
  13. Bachelor of Science in Dryland Natural Resource Management
  14. Bachelor of Science in International Business Management
  15. Bachelor of Theology
  16. Master of Arts in Religion
  17. Master of Business Administration
  18. Bachelor of Science in Dryland Natural Resource Management
  19. Bachelor of Science In Environmental Resource Management
  20. Bachelor of Science in International Business Management
  21. Bachelor of Science in Procurement and Supply Chain Management
  22. Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology
  23. Master of Arts in Monitoring and Evaluation
  24. Master of Education (Administration)
  25. Master of Science in Applied Information Technology
  26. Master of Science in Environmental and Natural Resource Management
  27. Postgraduate Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation
  28. Doctor of Ministry
  29. Doctor of Philosophy in Religion

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