• Risk and Audit Committee Induction Program
  • CUE management engages Stakeholders on the Strategic Plan
  • Commission Management Board during a coding meeting
  • CUE staff engaging the public at the Mombasa ASK Show

Who We Are

The Commission for University Education (CUE) is a body corporate established by an Act of Parliament, Universities Act, No. 42 of 2012 as the successor to the Commission for Higher Education (CHE) which was established under Universities Act Cap 210B of 1985. The Commission was established to make better provisions for the advancement of quality university education in Kenya, which entails regulating and accrediting universities and universities academic programmes, among other functions.

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Commission for University Education

Red Hill Road, off Limuru Road, Gigiri

P.O. Box 54999 – 00200, Nairobi, Kenya.

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Phone: 020–7205000, 0780-656575

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